Breasts Cosmetic Surgery
Perfect size for breast implant and what you should do
The size is one issue with breast implants that should perhaps be dedicated a whole day. It is not supposed to be a punishment but a fun thing to do. It will engage lots of trying on; removing the bra, removing it and trying on another...this should go on till you get the right fit. It is not an exercise in futility as you will come to realize years later. If you are ready for a breast implants surgery, check out this website for further details..
How size impacts on you
As we all know, no two people are exactly the same when it comes to breast size. The same applies to the shape, contours and profile. Acknowledging that we are all unique is important in choosing the right fitting breast size. Beyond looking at yourself in the mirror, you will need much more so that you are happy afterwards with the results.
When you meet up with your surgeon on the appointment date, carry with you some clothes. They should preferable be bright coloured as well as the t-shirts. The former will bring out the desired contrast when you try on the breast implants. The bright colours are deliberately chosen because they will aid in emphasizing the contours or curves, thereby enabling you to know whether implant will fit well in practice.
On the other hand, wearing a t-shirt is very important because it will expose the cleavage and help you see yourself and envision exactly how the implant will look. If you wear clothes covering you up, you will not be able to see all these and may not benefit from prior self-assessment.
Try all the available sizes
Some women try just one size and when it fits, that is it. This is wrong and you may actually live to regret later. It is advisable that you take up the initiative to try out all the sizes both small and big; ideally, the aim is not just about getting the right size for you but also being able to eliminate what you don’t want.
MORE: Recovery, Pre & Post, Cost and More! All you'll discover when you follow the link below..
Tag a friend
So you don’t trust your judgement? No problem, simply come along with a friend who might have a better judgement than you. You will be surprised at how much input they will bring along and thereby help you make a better choice. They may be experienced on the breast implant size or at least they will have a better judgement than you.
Seek advice from nurse or fellow patient
In some surgery centers, nurses get to witness thousands of patients who go for breast implants. They have probably witnessed many of them in sizing sessions so can base their past experiences to aid make the right pick. Do not assume they do not know; their help you go a long way. Better still, you can consult your fellow patient. They are probably there on a similar mission and would only be too glad to help.
Your opinion
Despite all the above, the ultimate decision will rest on you. The breast implant size is really a personal decision. Choose wisely!
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